Social value

At EDGE, our work benefits our clients, empowers communities and strengthens local economies. We achieve exceptional outcomes for the areas in which we live and work.

Our personable approach means that we take time to understand what is important to our clients and their communities. We listen so we can maximise social, economic and environmental benefits, whilst delivering projects.

Passion and enthusiasm

Giving back is part of our identity and is embedded throughout EDGE.  All employees, at all levels, across all disciplines are encouraged and enabled to get involved in community events. We allocate two volunteer days per person, per year, supporting our people to get involved and be embedded in their local communities.

Tailored commitments

Across all sectors, our projects bring opportunities to realise social value. We explore these and turn them into tailored project commitments. Working with our clients and engaging with communities, we listen to their priorities and aspirations so that we can leave a lasting legacy.

Primary school visit as part of their careers week. We delivered an interactive session on the various roles and responsibilities in construction.

Volunteering at Cash for Kids HQ. Organising and packaging gifts collected by local community groups and grass root organisations. The gifts went to 17,000 children in the West Midlands.

Ownership and responsibility

Ensuring social value strategies and commitments are driven throughout delivery, our internal social value leads and champions support our project leads. Or approach is mandated by the Social Value Act, but it has grown into something far more personable and proactive, which we are very proud of.

Measuring and reporting

Making it easier to record social value activity and outcomes, and to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach to our clients, we have implemented an internal social value platform. EDGEImpact is used across all EDGE offices and is accessible to all.

Volunteering at Emmanuel House Support Centre. We gave a day of painting and decorating their entertainment and leisure spaces.

Volunteering at Epic Partners. Clearing an area for their new sensory garden.

Volunteering at Leeds hospitals Charity Shop.